Analyzer Module

The passivetotal.analyzer module provides high-level objects that directly map to the most common starting points in security investigations, including hostnames & IP addresses. Key features include:

  1. API abstraction enables direct property access without knowing which endpoint to query.

  2. On-demand API queries load data as needed and persist the data in the object instance.

  3. List-like results objects are easy to iterate and provide useful filters.

  4. Object instances stored as class members, ensuring efficient re-use of API results and enabling method chaining on complex result sets.

  5. Helpful string and repr views to quickly inspect objects in an interactive environment.


The analyzer module must be initialized before it can be used. This can be as simple as calling the init() method at the module level:

from passivetotal import analyzer

This will read the API configuration setup by the pt-setup command line script and prepare request wrappers for use in subsequent calls.

No other configuration is required to begin using the analyzer module, but you should review the module reference to become aware of configuration options that would normally be set in specific API calls.

Hostname Analysis

Example Usage

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> analyzer.init()
>>> host = analyzer.Hostname('')
>>> registrant = host.whois.organization
>>> print(registrant.organization)
RiskIQ UK Limited
class passivetotal.analyzer.Hostname(hostname)

Represents a hostname such as

Instances are stored as class members so subsequent instantiations for the same hostname return the same object.

Because of this, storing instances in variables is optional, which can be especially useful in interactive sessions such as Jupyter notebooks.

property articles

Threat intelligence articles that reference this host.

Return type


property artifacts

List of project artifacts that correspond with this object.

Return type


property certificates

List of certificates where this hostname is contained in the subjectAlternativeName field.

Creates an instance of passivetotal.analyzer.ssl.CertificateField and performs a certificate search.

Return type


property components

History of web components observed on this host.

Web components represent technology that powers Internet-facing services. Component categories are derived from detection logic explicitly created by RiskIQ analysts. Component values and, when available, component versions, describe the web technology discovered on a given web host.

Return type


property cookies

History of cookies presented by this host.

Return type


property domain

Returns only the domain portion of the registered domain name for this hostname.

Uses the tldextract library and returns the domain property of the ExtractResults named tuple.


Alias for the hostname as a string.

Used for API queries that accept either a hostname or an IP address as the query value.

property hostname

Hostname as a string.

property hostpair_children

Hostpair relationships where this host is the parent.

Return type


property hostpair_parents

Hostpair relationships where this host is the child.

Return type


property intel_profiles

List of RiskIQ Threat Intel Profiles that reference this host.

For more granular searches, call the passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfiles.find_by_indicators() method directly.

Return type


property ip

Hostname’s current IP address.

Performs an local on-demand DNS query if needed.

Return type


property is_hostname

Whether this object is a hostname. Always returns true.

Useful when obtaining a host froma list that may provide either an analyzer.Hostname or analyzer.IPAddress object.

property is_ip

Whether this object is an IP. Always returns false.

Useful when obtaining a host from a list that may provide either an analyzer.Hostname or analyzer.IPAddress object.

property malware

List of malware hashes associated with this host.

Return type


property projects

List of projects that reference this object as an artifact.

Return type


property registered_domain

Returns the registered domain name (with TLD) for this hostname.

Uses the tldextract library and returns the registered_domain property of the ExtractResults named tuple.

property reputation

RiskIQ Illuminate Reputation profile for a hostname or IP.

Return type



Reset this instance to clear all (default) or one cached properties.

Useful when changing module-level settings such as analyzer.set_date_range().


prop (str) – Property to reset (optional, if none provided all values will be cleared)

property resolutions

Passive DNS records where this host was the DNS response value.

Bounded by dates set in passivetotal.analyzer.set_date_range(). timeout and sources params are also set by the analyzer configuration.

Provides a list of passivetotal.analyzer.pdns.PdnsRecord objects contained in a passivetotal.analyzer.pdns.PdnsResolutions object.

Return type



Save this object to the active project as an artifact.

Before saving the object, call analyzer.set_project() to set or create the active project.


project_tags – List of tags to apply to the artifact, optional.

property subdomain

Entire set of subdomains for this hostname (third level and higher).

Uses the tldextract library and returns the subdomain property of the ExtractResults named tuple.

property subdomains

List of subdomains observed in pDNS records for this hostname.

This query always returns data on the apex domain, even if this object is a hostname.

Return type


property summary

Summary of PassiveTotal data available for this hostname.

Return type


property tld

Returns the top-level domain name (TLD) for this hostname.

Uses the tldextract library and returns the suffix property of the ExtractResults named tuple.

property tracker_references

Hosts with trackers that have this host as the value.

Performs several API queries to create a composite result; create an instance of passivetotal.analyzer.Tracker if you need more granular control.

Return type


property trackers

History of trackers observed on this host.

Trackers are analytics codes, social network accounts, and other unique details extracted from the web page by RiskIQ crawlers based on detection logic programmed by RiskIQ analysts.

Return type


property whois

Most recently available Whois record for the hostname’s domain name.

Return type


property whois_history

Historical Whois records for this hostname.

Return type


IP Analysis

Example Usage

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> analyzer.init()
>>> ip = analyzer.IPAddress('')
>>> print(ip.summary)
22 records available for
>>> for record in ip.resolutions:
A "" [   6 days ] (2021-01-01 to 2021-03-01)
class passivetotal.analyzer.IPAddress(ip)

Represents an IPv4 address such as

Instances are stored as class members so subsequent instantiations for the same IP return the same object.

Because of this, storing instances in variables is optional, which can be especially useful in interactive sessions such as Jupyter notebooks.

property articles

Threat intelligence articles that reference this host.

Return type


property artifacts

List of project artifacts that correspond with this object.

Return type


property certificates

History of TLS certificates presented by services hosted on this IP address.

Return type


property components

History of web components observed on this host.

Web components represent technology that powers Internet-facing services. Component categories are derived from detection logic explicitly created by RiskIQ analysts. Component values and, when available, component versions, describe the web technology discovered on a given web host.

Return type


property cookies

History of cookies presented by this host.

Return type



Alias for the IP address as a string.

Used for API queries that accept either a hostname or an IP address as the query value.

property hostpair_children

Hostpair relationships where this host is the parent.

Return type


property hostpair_parents

Hostpair relationships where this host is the child.

Return type


property intel_profiles

List of RiskIQ Threat Intel Profiles that reference this host.

For more granular searches, call the passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.cti.IntelProfiles.find_by_indicators() method directly.

Return type


property ip

IP address as a string.

property is_hostname

Whether this object is a hostname. Always returns false.

Useful when obtaining a host froma list that may provide either an analyzer.Hostname or analyzer.IPAddress object.

property is_ip

Whether this object is an IP. Always returns true.

Useful when obtaining a host from a list that may provide either an analyzer.Hostname or analyzer.IPAddress object.

property malware

List of malware hashes associated with this host.

Return type


property projects

List of projects that reference this object as an artifact.

Return type


property reputation

RiskIQ Illuminate Reputation profile for a hostname or IP.

Return type



Reset this instance to clear all (default) or one cached properties.

Useful when changing module-level settings such as analyzer.set_date_range().


prop (str) – Property to reset (optional, if none provided all values will be cleared)

property resolutions

Passive DNS records where this host was the DNS response value.

Bounded by dates set in passivetotal.analyzer.set_date_range(). timeout and sources params are also set by the analyzer configuration.

Provides a list of passivetotal.analyzer.pdns.PdnsRecord objects contained in a passivetotal.analyzer.pdns.PdnsResolutions object.

Return type



Save this object to the active project as an artifact.

Before saving the object, call analyzer.set_project() to set or create the active project.


project_tags – List of tags to apply to the artifact, optional.

property services

Record of services observed on this host.

Return type

property summary

Summary of PassiveTotal data available for this hostname.

Return type


property tracker_references

Hosts with trackers that have this host as the value.

Performs several API queries to create a composite result; create an instance of passivetotal.analyzer.Tracker if you need more granular control.

Return type


property trackers

History of trackers observed on this host.

Trackers are analytics codes, social network accounts, and other unique details extracted from the web page by RiskIQ crawlers based on detection logic programmed by RiskIQ analysts.

Return type


property whois

Most recently available Whois record for IP.

Return type


property whois_history

Historical Whois (ownership) records for this IP.

Return type


Analyzer Module Reference

Analyzer package for the RiskIQ PassiveTotal API.


Find one attack surface.

Call with no parameters to find your Attack Surface. Pass a number to load a specific Attack Surface by ID, or pass a string to load the entire list of Attack Surfaces and search them by case-insensitive substring.

Raises AnalyzerError if no attack surfaces are found or if more than one Attack Surface name matches the parameter.




Unset the sort and order param for date-aware searches to restore default behavior.


Return an instance of an API client by name.


Get the active configuration for the analyzer module.

passivetotal.analyzer.get_object(input, type=None)

Get an Analyzer object for a given input and type. If no type is specified, type will be autodetected based on the input.

If the input is already an Analyzer object it will be returned as-is.

Returns analyzer.Hostname or analyzer.IPAddress.


Get the active project.

Return type



Get the current version of this package.


Instantiate API clients.

Arguments are passed to the request wrapper constructors; if none are provided, the class method from_config() is called to instantiate an API client from config files.

passivetotal.analyzer.set_context(provider, variant, version, feature='')

Define the application context for an implementation using the analyzer module.

Sets a header to be sent in API requests that is used for metrics and troubleshooting.

  • provider – The company, partner, provider or other top-level application context.

  • variant – The specific app, libary subcomponent, or feature category.

  • version – Version of the app, feature or code setting the context.

  • feature – Optional sub-feature, dashboard or script name.

passivetotal.analyzer.set_date_range(days_back=90, start=None, start_date=None, end=None, end_date=None)

Set a range of dates for all date-bounded API queries.

By default, queries will be bounded by analyzer.DEFAULT_DAYS_BACK. Set days_back to calculate the starting and ending dates automatically relative to today’s date.

Or, set the start and end params explicitly using a string in YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 format or start_date and end_date params as datetime objects.

  • days_back – Number of days back to query (optional, defaults to DEFAULT_DAYS_BACK).

  • start – Starting date as string in YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 format (optional).

  • start_date – Starting date as datetime object (optional).

  • end – Ending date as string in YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00 format (optional).

  • end_date – Ending date as datetime object (optional).


Set the order param for date-aware searches to ‘firstSeen’.

Especially relevant when searching crawl data such as components, cookies, hostpairs, and trackers.


Set the order param for date-aware searches to ‘asc’.

Especially relevant when searching crawl data such as components, cookies, hostpairs, and trackers.


Set the sort param for date-aware searches to ‘firstSeen’.

Especially relevant when searching crawl data such as components, cookies, hostpairs, and trackers.


Set the sort param for date-aware searches to ‘lastSeen’.

Especially relevant when searching crawl data such as components, cookies, hostpairs, and trackers.


Set a list of third-sources for pDNS queries.


Set a timeout on pDNS queries to third-party sources.


Configure options for the Python prettyprint module.

passivetotal.analyzer.set_project(name_or_guid, visibility='analyst', description='', tags=None, create_if_missing=True)

Set the active Illuminate Project for this investigation.

Used by Analyzer objects to persist results to projects. Performs an API query to determine if project exists, create it if it is missing, and obtain necessary details.

  • name_or_guid – Project name or project GUID.

  • visibility – Who can see the project: public, private or analyst (optional, defaults to ‘analyst’).

  • description – Description of the project (optional).

  • tags – List of tags to apply to the project (optional).

  • create_if_missing – Whether to auto-create the project if it doesn’t exist (optional, defaults to true).

Summary Data

Hostnames and IPs offer a summary property that provides insight into how many records are available across multiple PassiveTotal datasets, along with a few key metrics about the host.

Summary data offers an ideal starting point for hostname and IP analysis. The counts directly inform security research and may guide subsequent searches.

class passivetotal.analyzer.summary.HostnameSummary(api_response)

Summary of available PassiveTotal data and key facts for hostnames.

property articles

Count of open-source intelligence (OSINT) articles referencing this IP or hostname.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property asn

Autonomous System Number the host resides in.

property available

List of datasets with at least one record.

property certificates

Count of available SSL certificate historical records.

property components

Count of available web component records for this hostname.

property cookies

Count of available cookies records for this hostname.

property hosting_provider

Name of the web hosting provider.

property hostpairs

Count of available hostpair records for this hostname.

Link to the entire summary card in the UI.

Dictionary of links to continue research on a dataset in the UI.

property malware_hashes

Count of available malware hash records.

property name

Queried name.

property netblock

IP Netblock the host or IP is in.

property os

Operating system of the host.

property pdns

Alias for resolutions property.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property projects

Count of PassiveTotal projects containing this IP or hostname.

property querytype

Determined type of the query name.

property resolutions

Count of available pDNS historical resolutions.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.


exclude_links – Whether to exclude links from the dataframe (optional, defaults to True)

Return type


property total

Sum of all available records.

property trackers

Count of available trackers records for this hostname.

class passivetotal.analyzer.summary.IPSummary(api_response)

Summary of available PassiveTotal data and key facts for IPs.

property articles

Count of open-source intelligence (OSINT) articles referencing this IP or hostname.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property asn

Autonomous System Number the host resides in.

property available

List of datasets with at least one record.

property certificates

Count of available SSL certificate historical records.

property hosting_provider

Name of the web hosting provider.

Link to the entire summary card in the UI.

Dictionary of links to continue research on a dataset in the UI.

property malware_hashes

Count of available malware hash records.

property name

Queried name.

property netblock

IP Netblock the host or IP is in.

property os

Operating system of the host.

property pdns

Alias for resolutions property.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property projects

Count of PassiveTotal projects containing this IP or hostname.

property querytype

Determined type of the query name.

property resolutions

Count of available pDNS historical resolutions.

property services

Number of service (port) history records for this IP.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.


exclude_links – Whether to exclude links from the dataframe (optional, defaults to True)

Return type


property total

Sum of all available records.

Whois Records

Domain Name Whois

The whois property for host names returns the DomainWhois record for the registered domain name portion of the host name.

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> analyzer.init()
>>> print(analyzer.Hostname('').whois.registrant.organization)
RiskIQ UK Limited

Whois data varies widely across Internet registrars and registries, and although the API tries to normalize and parse the data into fields, your code should always be prepared for missing or malformed data. Access the raw record for the API response directly as a Python dict or use the record property to get the raw Whois response.

IP Whois Records

The whois property is also available for IP addresses. Some of the fields are different than domain whois records, but most are the same.

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> analyzer.init()
>>> print(analyzer.IPAddress('').whois.organization)

Using Whois Fields

Fields in the IP and Hostname Whois record are returned as WhoisField objects to faciliate field-level searching. Cast the field as a string if you need to get the actual value:

>>> org = analyzer.IPAddress('').whois.organization
>>> org
WhoisField('organization','PACCAR, Inc.')
>>> print(org)
Paccar, Inc.
>>> org_str = str(org)
>>> org_str
Paccar, Inc.

You can also start with a field name and a string and search for it directly to find domains or IPs associated with a name, email address, or other supported field type.

>>> from passivetotal.analyzer.whois import WhoisField
>>> WhoisField('email','')

Search Whois Records

The RiskIQ PassiveTotal API can search Whois records by field to find related domain names with the same contact information. Use the records property of supported fields (any property that returns type WhoisField).

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> analyzer.Hostname('')
{Hostname(''), Hostname(''), Hostname('')}

The records property returns the same type of list-like object that other analyzer objects return, so you can filter, sort, and convert to pandas DataFrames as needed. See below for reference.

Historical Whois Records

Historical whois records may be available for domain names and IP addresses. Access the whois_history property of an IPAddress or Hostname object to obtain a list of historically observed records as a standard analyzer RecordList.

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> for record in analyzer.Hostname('').whois_history:
        print(record.last_seen, record.registrant_email)
2022-02-11 19:16:29.334000-08:00
2021-04-05 09:13:10.330000-07:00
2021-04-04 08:40:41.295000-07:00
2021-04-03 16:25:42.455000-07:00
2021-04-06 08:42:07.273000-07:00
2021-03-04 15:45:41.026000-08:00
2021-03-03 13:56:05.605000-08:00
2020-10-06 02:41:38.359000-07:00
2020-10-06 14:01:33.575000-07:00
2020-08-21 04:20:43.757000-07:00
2020-06-20 03:57:01.411000-07:00
2020-03-16 15:22:46.043000-07:00
2020-03-17 06:57:02.899000-07:00
2019-09-29 07:45:02.096000-07:00

In this example, we accessed only two fields of each record, but the complete Whois record remains available. Consider using the as_dict or as_df properties of the whois_history object to get the complete list as a Python dictionary or a Pandas dataframe.

>>> analyzer.Hostname('').whois_history.as_dict
{'records': [{'admin': {'email': ''},
'billing': {},
'registrant': {'country': 'US',
    'email': '',

Whois Object Reference

class passivetotal.analyzer.whois.DomainWhois(record)

Whois record for an Internet domain name.

property admin

Admin contact record.

Return type


property age

Number of days between now and when the domain was registered.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property billing

Billing contact record.

Return type


property contacts

Primary domain contact records.

Return type


property date_expires

Date the domain expires.

Return type


property date_loaded

Date when the domain or IP was loaded into the database.

Return type


property date_registered

Date the domain or IP was registered.

Return type


property date_updated

Date when the domain or IP was updated at the registrar or registry.

Be aware that registrars and registries may not reliably update this date when the contents of the record changes. Even when they do, it usually only means the domain was renewed or expired, or the nameservers were changed.

Return type


property domain

The domain name as returned by the API.

property email

Primary contact email address.

property emails

Set of all email addresses in the Whois record.

property host

Get the IP or domain name this record is associated with, as an analyzer.IPAddress or analyzer.Hostname object.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property name

Primary registrant name.

property nameservers

List of nameservers.

property organization

Primary contact organization name.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property raw

Raw API response.

property record

Raw Whois record as text.

property registrant

Whois registrant contact record.

Return type


property registrant_email

Registrant email from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_name

Registrant name from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_org

Registrant organization from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_phone

Registrant telephone number from the registrant contact record.

property registrar

Registrar of record for the domain or IP.

property server

Whois server that delivered the record.

property tech

Technical contact record.

Return type


property telephone

Primary contact telephone number.

to_dataframe(include_record=False, only_registrant=True)

Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

  • include_record (bool) – Whether to include raw Whois record (optional, defaults to False)

  • only_registrant (bool) – Whether to only include top-level and registrant contact details

Return type


class passivetotal.analyzer.whois.IPWhois(record)

Whois record for an IP Address.

property admin

Admin contact record.

Return type


property age

Number of days between now and when the domain was registered.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property billing

Billing contact record.

Return type


property contacts

Primary domain contact records.

Return type


property date_loaded

Date when the domain or IP was loaded into the database.

Return type


property date_registered

Date the domain or IP was registered.

Return type


property date_updated

Date when the domain or IP was updated at the registrar or registry.

Be aware that registrars and registries may not reliably update this date when the contents of the record changes. Even when they do, it usually only means the domain was renewed or expired, or the nameservers were changed.

Return type


property email

Primary contact email address.

property emails

Set of all email addresses in the Whois record.

property host

Get the IP or domain name this record is associated with, as an analyzer.IPAddress or analyzer.Hostname object.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property name

Primary registrant name.

property organization

Primary contact organization name.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property raw

Raw API response.

property record

Raw Whois record as text.

property registrant

Whois registrant contact record.

Return type


property registrant_email

Registrant email from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_name

Registrant name from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_org

Registrant organization from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_phone

Registrant telephone number from the registrant contact record.

property registrar

Registrar of record for the domain or IP.

property server

Whois server that delivered the record.

property tech

Technical contact record.

Return type


property telephone

Primary contact telephone number.

to_dataframe(include_record=False, only_registrant=True)

Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

  • include_record (bool) – Whether to include raw Whois record (optional, defaults to False)

  • only_registrant (bool) – Whether to only include top-level and registrant contact details

Return type


class passivetotal.analyzer.whois.WhoisField(name, value)

Searchable field in a Whois record.

Print or cast as string to access the value directly.

Provides a records property that searches the API for other Whois records that match the value provided in the field.

property name

Name of the field.

property records

List of DomainWhois records that match the key/value of this field.

property value

Value of the field.

class passivetotal.analyzer.whois.WhoisContact(organization, name, email, telephone)
count(value, /)

Return number of occurrences of value.

property email

Alias for field number 2

index(value, start=0, stop=9223372036854775807, /)

Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

property name

Alias for field number 1

property organization

Alias for field number 0

property telephone

Alias for field number 3

class passivetotal.analyzer.whois.HistoricalWhoisRecords(api_response=None, query=None)

List of HistoricalDomainWhois or HistoricalIPWhois records.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.

property domains

Return a set of unique domains in this record list.

property emails

Return a set of unique emails in this record list.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

property names

Return a set of unique names in this record list.

property orgs

Return a set of unique org names in this record list.


Parse an API response into a list of HistoricalDomainWhois or HistoricalIPWhois records.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


class passivetotal.analyzer.whois.HistoricalDomainWhois(record)

Historical Whois record for a domain name.

property admin

Admin contact record.

Return type


property age

Number of days between now and when the domain was registered.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property billing

Billing contact record.

Return type


property contacts

Primary domain contact records.

Return type


property date_expires

Date the domain expires.

Return type


property date_loaded

Date when the domain or IP was loaded into the database.

Return type


property date_registered

Date the domain or IP was registered.

Return type


property date_updated

Date when the domain or IP was updated at the registrar or registry.

Be aware that registrars and registries may not reliably update this date when the contents of the record changes. Even when they do, it usually only means the domain was renewed or expired, or the nameservers were changed.

Return type


property domain

The domain name as returned by the API.

property email

Primary contact email address.

property emails

Set of all email addresses in the Whois record.

property host

Get the IP or domain name this record is associated with, as an analyzer.IPAddress or analyzer.Hostname object.

property last_seen

Date the historical record was last seen.

Alias for date_loaded. :rtype: datetime


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property name

Primary registrant name.

property nameservers

List of nameservers.

property organization

Primary contact organization name.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property raw

Raw API response.

property record

Raw Whois record as text.

property registrant

Whois registrant contact record.

Return type


property registrant_email

Registrant email from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_name

Registrant name from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_org

Registrant organization from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_phone

Registrant telephone number from the registrant contact record.

property registrar

Registrar of record for the domain or IP.

property server

Whois server that delivered the record.

property tech

Technical contact record.

Return type


property telephone

Primary contact telephone number.

to_dataframe(include_record=False, only_registrant=True)

Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

  • include_record (bool) – Whether to include raw Whois record (optional, defaults to False)

  • only_registrant (bool) – Whether to only include top-level and registrant contact details

Return type


class passivetotal.analyzer.whois.HistoricalIPWhois(record)

Historical Whois record for a IP address.

property admin

Admin contact record.

Return type


property age

Number of days between now and when the domain was registered.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property billing

Billing contact record.

Return type


property contacts

Primary domain contact records.

Return type


property date_loaded

Date when the domain or IP was loaded into the database.

Return type


property date_registered

Date the domain or IP was registered.

Return type


property date_updated

Date when the domain or IP was updated at the registrar or registry.

Be aware that registrars and registries may not reliably update this date when the contents of the record changes. Even when they do, it usually only means the domain was renewed or expired, or the nameservers were changed.

Return type


property email

Primary contact email address.

property emails

Set of all email addresses in the Whois record.

property host

Get the IP or domain name this record is associated with, as an analyzer.IPAddress or analyzer.Hostname object.

property last_seen

Date the historical record was last seen.

Alias for date_loaded. :rtype: datetime


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property name

Primary registrant name.

property organization

Primary contact organization name.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property raw

Raw API response.

property record

Raw Whois record as text.

property registrant

Whois registrant contact record.

Return type


property registrant_email

Registrant email from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_name

Registrant name from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_org

Registrant organization from the registrant contact record.

property registrant_phone

Registrant telephone number from the registrant contact record.

property registrar

Registrar of record for the domain or IP.

property server

Whois server that delivered the record.

property tech

Technical contact record.

Return type


property telephone

Primary contact telephone number.

to_dataframe(include_record=False, only_registrant=True)

Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

  • include_record (bool) – Whether to include raw Whois record (optional, defaults to False)

  • only_registrant (bool) – Whether to only include top-level and registrant contact details

Return type


Threat Intel Articles

RiskIQ publishes threat intelligence articles with lists of IOCs (indicators of compromise). Using the Analyzer module, you can retrieve the entire list of currently published articles, or only those articles that are associated with an IP or hostname.

Fetch all articles

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> analyzer.init()
>>> articles = analyzer.AllArticles()
>>> for article in articles[0:3]: # retrieve the first 3 articles
Threat Roundup for April 23 to April 30
PortDoor: New Chinese APT Backdoor Attack Targets Russian Defense Sector
UNC2447 SOMBRAT and FIVEHANDS Ransomware: A Sophisticated Financial Threat

Get articles for an IP and list other IOCs.

>>> from passivetotal import analyzer
>>> analyzer.init()
>>> for article in analyzer.IPAddress('').articles:
        print('  HOSTNAMES:')
        for hostname in article.hostnames:
            print(f'    {hostname}')
        print('  IPs:')
        for ip in article.ips:
            print(f'    {ip}')
Alert (AA20-302A) - Ransomware Activity Targeting the Healthcare and Public Health Sector
class passivetotal.analyzer.articles.AllArticles(created_after=None, autoload=True)

All threat intelligence articles currently published by RiskIQ.

Contains a list of passivetotal.analyzer.articles.Article objects.

By default, instantiating the class will automatically load the entire list of threat intelligence articles. Pass autoload=False to the constructor to disable this functionality.

Only articles created after the start date specified in the analyzer.set_date_range() method will be returned unless a different created_after parameter is supplied to the object constructor.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)


Filtered article list that includes articles with an exact match to one or more tags.

Tests the match_tags method on each article.


tags – String with one or multiple comma-separated tags, or a list

Return type


filter_text(text, fields=['tags', 'title', 'summary'])

Filtered article list that contain the text in one or more fields.

Searches tags, title and summary by default - set fields param to a smaller list to narrow the search.

  • text – text to search for

  • fields – list of fields to search (optional)

Return type


static find(query)

Query the Articles API endpoint and find articles that match the search term.

Return type



Query the API for articles and load them into an articles list.


created_after – only return articles created after this date (optional, defaults to date set by analyzer.set_date_range()


Parse an API response.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


class passivetotal.analyzer.articles.Article(api_response, query=None)

A threat intelligence article.

property age

Age of the article in days, measured from create date.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property categories

List of categories this article is listed in.

property date_created

Date the article was created in the RiskIQ database.

property date_published

Date the article was published, as a datetime object.

property guid

Article unique ID within the RiskIQ system.


Whether this article has a given tag.

property hostnames

List of hostnames in this article.

Return type


property indicator_count

Sum of all types of indicators in this article.

property indicator_types

List of the types of indicators associated with this article.

property indicators

List of indicators associated with this article.

This is the raw result retuned by the API. Expect an array of objects each representing a grouping of a particular type of indicator.

property ips

List of IP addresses in this article.

Return type


URL to a page with article details.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.


Exact match search for one or more tags in this article’s list of tags.


tags – String with one or multiple comma-seperated tags, or a list

Rtype bool

Whether any of the tags are included in this article’s list of tags.

match_text(text, fields=['tags', 'title', 'summary'])

Case insensitive substring search across article text fields.

Searches tags, title and summary by default - set fields param to a smaller list to narrow the search. :param text: text to search for :param fields: list of fields to search (optional) :rtype bool: whether the text was found in any of the fields

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property summary

Article summary.

property tags

List of tags attached to this article.

property title

Article short title.

to_dataframe(ensure_details=True, include_indicators=False)

Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

  • ensure_details (bool) – Whether to ensure details are available (optional, defaults to True)

  • include_indicators (bool) – Whether to include indicators (optional, defaults to False)

Return type


property type

Article visibility type (i.e. public, private).

Pandas Integration

The analyzer module contains an optional integration with the Pandas Python library. pandas is a robust data analytics toolset that integrates especially well with Jupyter Notebooks. Even if you don’t plan to use the more sophisticated features pandas offers, the vastly improved display of analyzer results in notebooks is well worth enabling the integration.

To get started, install the pandas Python package, ideally in a virtual environment:

pip install pandas

Nearly all analyzer objects offer results formatted as a Pandas DataFrame, which is the standard two-dimensional (tabluar) data format in Pandas. You can access the data with the as_df property or by calling the to_dataframe() method on an analyzer object. For example:


If this is the last line of a cell in a Jupyter notebook, and you run that cell, you’ll get a one-line tabular output with the summary data in columns.

To view a list of pDNS records:


Internally, the as_df property calls to_dataframe() on each object with no parameters, which results in a default rendering of the dataframe. Some objects, like passivetotal.analyzer.illuminate.ReputationScore, offer additional options in their implementation of to_dataframe(). For example: analyzer.Hostname('').reputation.to_dataframe(explode_rules=True)

This will show the reputation score with one row for each rule returned by the Reputation API. It uses the pandas DataFrame.explode method to unstack a list into a set of rows and columns, hence the parameter name explode_rules.

Pandas dataframes are easily exported as CSV and offer capabilities to perform SQL-style joins and Excel-style VLOOKUPs. Consult the docs to learn what’s possible.

Using Record Lists

Several attributes of Hostnames and IPs return lists of records from the API. The analyzer module delivers these as list-like objects that can be looped through like regular Python lists. They also provide analytic methods to sort and filter records in meaningful ways.

Under normal usage, it should not be necessary to instantiate these objects directly. You will interact with them through the properties of higher-level objects like Hostnames and IPs.

Passive DNS Record Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.pdns.PdnsResolutions(api_response=None, query=None)

Historical passive DNS resolution records.

Provides a list-like interface to a collection of PdnsRecord objects.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.

property dateend

End date of API query range.

property datestart

Start date of API query range.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

property firstseen

Earliest data available for this host.

property lastseen

Most recent data available for this host.

property newest

Most recently seen pDNS record.

Return type


property oldest

Oldest pDNS record (earliest firstseen date).

Return type


property only_a_records

Filter recordtype=’A’.

Return type


property only_hostnames

Filter resolvetype=’domain’.

Return type


property only_ips

Filter resolvetype=’ip’.

Return type


property pager

Pager value from API response.


Implementations must accept an API response and populate themselves with a list of the correct record types.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property querytype

Interpreted query type form API response.

property queryvalue

Interpreted query value from API response.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


property totalrecords

Total number of records available for this query.

class passivetotal.analyzer.pdns.PdnsRecord(record, query=None)

Individual pDNS record returned by the API.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property collected

Date & time the record was collected.

Return type


property duration

Length of time record was observed, in days.

Calculates the timedelta between firstseen and lastseen.

Return type


property firstseen

Date & time the record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_date

Date record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_raw

Raw firstseen value returned by the API.

property hostname

passivetotal.analyzer.Hostname the record resolves to.

Will return None if the resolvetype is not ‘domain’.

property ip

passivetotal.analyzer.IPAddress the record resolves to.

Will return None if the resolvetype is not ‘ip’.

property lastseen

Date & time the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_date

Date the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_raw

Raw lastseen value returned by the API.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property recordtype

DNS record type (A, CNAME, NS, MX, etc).

property resolve

Resolve value of the pDNS record.

property resolvetype

Type of the resolve value (hostname, ip, etc).

property sources

Sources of API data.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.


exclude_links – Whether to exclude links from the dataframe (optional, defaults to True)

Return type


property value

Query value used in pDNS record search.

SSL Certificate Record Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.ssl.Certificates(api_response=None, query=None)

List of historical SSL certificates.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.

property expired

Filtered list of Certificates that have expired.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

property newest

Most recently seen CertificateRecord.

property not_expired

Filtered list of Certificates that have not expired.

property oldest

Earliest seen CertificateRecord.


Implementations must accept an API response and populate themselves with a list of the correct record types.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


class passivetotal.analyzer.ssl.CertificateRecord(record)

SSL Certificate record.

This base class is suited for API responses with complete certificate details.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property date_expires

Date & time when the certificate expires.

Return type


property date_issued

Date & time the certificate was issued.

Return type


property days_valid

Number of days the certificate is valid.

Returns the timedelta between date_expires and date_issued. :rtype: int

property duration

Length of time record was observed, in days.

Calculates the timedelta between firstseen and lastseen.

Return type


property expirationDate

Certificate expiration date field.

Return type


property expired

Whether the certificate has expired (if the expiration date is in the past).

Return type


property fingerprint

Certificate fingerprint field.

Return type


property firstseen

Date & time the record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_date

Date record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_raw

Raw firstseen value returned by the API.

property hash

Certificate hash value.

property iphistory

Get the direct API response for a history query on this certificates hash.

For most use cases, the ips property is a more direct route to get the list of IPs previously associated with this SSL certificate.

property ips

Provides list of passivetotal.analyzer.IPAddress instances representing IP addresses associated with this SSL certificate.

property issueDate

Certificate issue date field.

Return type


property issuerCommonName

Certificate issuer common name field.

Return type


property issuerCountry

Certificate issuer country.

Return type


property issuerDate

Certificate issue date field.

Return type


property issuerEmailAddress

Certificate issuer email address field.

Return type


property issuerGivenName

Certificate issuer given name field.

Return type


property issuerLocalityName

Certificate issuer locality name field.

Return type


property issuerOrganizationName

Certificate issuer organization name field.

Return type


property issuerOrganizationUnitName

Certificate issuer orgnaizational unit name field.

Return type


property issuerProvince

Certificate issuer province field.

Return type


property issuerSerialNumber

Certificate serial number field.

Return type


property issuerStateOrProvinceName

Certificate issuer state or province name field.

Return type


property issuerStreetAddress

Certificate issuer street address field.

Return type


property issuerSurname

Certificate issuer surname field.

Return type


property lastseen

Date & time the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_date

Date the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_raw

Raw lastseen value returned by the API.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property serialNumber

Certificate issuer serial number field.

Return type


property sha1

Certificate hash value (alias for hash).

property sslVersion

Certificate ssl version field.

Return type


property subjectAlternativeNames

Certificate subject alternative names field.

Return type


property subjectCommonName

Certificate subject common name field.

Return type


property subjectCountry

Certificate subject country field.

Return type


property subjectEmailAddress

Certificate subject email address field.

Return type


property subjectGivenName

Certificate subject given name field.

Return type


property subjectLocalityName

Certificate subject locality name field.

Return type


property subjectOrganizationName

Certificate subject organization name field.

Return type


property subjectOrganizationUnitName

Certificate subject organizational unit name field.

Return type


property subjectProvince

Certificate subject province field.

Return type


property subjectSerialNumber

Certificate subject serial number field.

Return type


property subjectStateOrProvinceName

Certificate subject state or province name field.

Return type


property subjectStreetAddress

Certificate subject street address field.

Return type


property subjectSurname

Certificate subject surname field.

Return type



Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.


include_ips – Whether to include historical IP data in the dataframe (optional, defaults to False, will likely trigger new API query for each record.)

Return type


class passivetotal.analyzer.ssl.CertHistoryRecord(record)

SSL Certificate historical record.

Suited for API responses that may not provide SSL certificate details. Provides a mechanism to populate missing data with a call to the SSL certificate detail API upon first request of a missing field.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property date_expires

Date & time when the certificate expires.

Return type


property date_issued

Date & time the certificate was issued.

Return type


property days_valid

Number of days the certificate is valid.

Returns the timedelta between date_expires and date_issued. :rtype: int

property duration

Length of time record was observed, in days.

Calculates the timedelta between firstseen and lastseen.

Return type


property expirationDate

Certificate expiration date field.

Return type


property expired

Whether the certificate has expired (if the expiration date is in the past).

Return type


property fingerprint

Certificate fingerprint field.

Return type


property firstseen

Date & time the record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_date

Date record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_raw

Raw firstseen value returned by the API.

property hash

Certificate hash value.

property iphistory

Get the direct API response for a history query on this certificates hash.

For most use cases, the ips property is a more direct route to get the list of IPs previously associated with this SSL certificate.

property ips

Provides list of passivetotal.analyzer.IPAddress instances representing IP addresses associated with this SSL certificate.

property issueDate

Certificate issue date field.

Return type


property issuerCommonName

Certificate issuer common name field.

Return type


property issuerCountry

Certificate issuer country.

Return type


property issuerDate

Certificate issue date field.

Return type


property issuerEmailAddress

Certificate issuer email address field.

Return type


property issuerGivenName

Certificate issuer given name field.

Return type


property issuerLocalityName

Certificate issuer locality name field.

Return type


property issuerOrganizationName

Certificate issuer organization name field.

Return type


property issuerOrganizationUnitName

Certificate issuer orgnaizational unit name field.

Return type


property issuerProvince

Certificate issuer province field.

Return type


property issuerSerialNumber

Certificate serial number field.

Return type


property issuerStateOrProvinceName

Certificate issuer state or province name field.

Return type


property issuerStreetAddress

Certificate issuer street address field.

Return type


property issuerSurname

Certificate issuer surname field.

Return type


property lastseen

Date & time the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_date

Date the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_raw

Raw lastseen value returned by the API.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property serialNumber

Certificate issuer serial number field.

Return type


property sha1

Certificate hash value (alias for hash).

property sslVersion

Certificate ssl version field.

Return type


property subjectAlternativeNames

Certificate subject alternative names field.

Return type


property subjectCommonName

Certificate subject common name field.

Return type


property subjectCountry

Certificate subject country field.

Return type


property subjectEmailAddress

Certificate subject email address field.

Return type


property subjectGivenName

Certificate subject given name field.

Return type


property subjectLocalityName

Certificate subject locality name field.

Return type


property subjectOrganizationName

Certificate subject organization name field.

Return type


property subjectOrganizationUnitName

Certificate subject organizational unit name field.

Return type


property subjectProvince

Certificate subject province field.

Return type


property subjectSerialNumber

Certificate subject serial number field.

Return type


property subjectStateOrProvinceName

Certificate subject state or province name field.

Return type


property subjectStreetAddress

Certificate subject street address field.

Return type


property subjectSurname

Certificate subject surname field.

Return type



Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.


include_ips – Whether to include historical IP data in the dataframe (optional, defaults to False, will likely trigger new API query for each record.)

Return type


class passivetotal.analyzer.ssl.CertificateField(name, value)

A field on an SSL certificate.

Print or cast as string to access the value directly.

In addition to a simple key/value mapping, this class also provides a certificates property that searches the API for other SSL certificates that match the key/value pair of the instance.

property certificates

List of Certificates that match the key/value of this field.

property name

Name of the field.

property value

Value of the field.

May return a list if the name is ‘subjectAlternativeName’.

Services Record Lists

class, query=None)

Historical port, service and banner data.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.

property closed

Only services with port status ‘closed’.

Return type



Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

property filtered

Only services with port status ‘filtered’.

Return type


property open

Only services with port status ‘open’.

Return type



Parse an API response.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


property totalrecords

Total records available as returned by the API.

class, query=None)

Record of an observed port with current and recent services.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property banners

List of banners observed on the service port.

property certificate

SSL Certificate presented by the service.

Return type


property count

Number of records observed.

property current_services

List of current services.

property duration

Length of time record was observed, in days.

Calculates the timedelta between firstseen and lastseen.

Return type


property firstseen

Date & time the record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_date

Date record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_raw

Raw firstseen value returned by the API.

property is_open

Whether the port status is ‘open’.

property is_tcp

Whether the protocol is ‘TCP’.

property is_udp

Whether the protocol is ‘UDP’.

property lastseen

Date & time the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_date

Date the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_raw

Raw lastseen value returned by the API.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property port

Port number.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property protocol

Network protocol for the service.

property recent_services

List of recent services.

property status

Port status.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Return type


Hostpairs Record Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.hostpairs.HostpairHistory(api_response=None, direction=None, query=None)

Historical connections between hosts.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.

property causes

Set of unique causes in the hostpair record list.

property children

Set of unique child hostnames in the hostpairs record list.

property direction

Direction of the paired relationship - children or parents.

property domains

List of unique registered domains.


Filter the list to exclude records where the registered domain of the parent or child is not in a list of hosts. Accepts either a list of strings or a list of analyzer.Hostname objects.

Will apply to parents if direction is parents (from hostpair_parents property) or to children if direction is children(from hostpair_children property).


hosts – List of hostnames to directly match against, as a comma-separated string or a list.


Filter the list to exclude records where the parent or child is contained in not in a list of hosts. Accepts either a list of strings or a list of analyzer.Hostname objects.

Will apply to parents if direction is parents (from hostpair_parents property) or to children if direction is children(from hostpair_children property).

Use exclude_domains_in() to match against only the registered domain.


hosts – List of hostnames to directly match against, as a comma-separated string or a list.


Filter the list to exclude records where the tld of the registered domain of the parent or child is not in a list of tlds. Accepts either a list of strings or a list of analyzer.Hostname objects.

Will apply to parents if direction is parents (from hostpair_parents property) or to children if direction is children(from hostpair_children property).


hosts – List of hostnames to directly match against, as a comma-separated string or a list.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

property has_more_records

Whether more records are available.

Return type


property hosts

List of unique paired hosts (IPs or hostnames).

Returns Hostpairs.children or Hostpairs.parents depending on the value of Hostpairs.direction


Load all pages of results from the API.


Load the next page of results from the API.

Throws AnalyzerError when has_more_records is False.

property parents

Set of unique parent hostnames in the hostpairs record list.


Parse an API response.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


property totalrecords

Total number of available records as reported by the API.

class passivetotal.analyzer.hostpairs.HostpairRecord(api_response, direction=None, query=None)

Record of observed trackers.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property cause

Cause or category of the pairing, if known.

property child

Descendant hostname for this pairing.



property direction

Direction of the relationship - parent or child.

property duration

Length of time record was observed, in days.

Calculates the timedelta between firstseen and lastseen.

Return type


property firstseen

Date & time the record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_date

Date record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_raw

Raw firstseen value returned by the API.

property host

Returns the parent or the child host depending on whether the direction is “parent” or “child”.



property lastseen

Date & time the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_date

Date the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_raw

Raw lastseen value returned by the API.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property parent

Parent hostname for this pairing.



property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Return type


Web Component Record Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.components.ComponentHistory(api_response=None, query=None)

Historical web component data.

Web components represent technology that powers Internet-facing services. Component categories are derived from detection logic explicitly created by RiskIQ analysts. Component values and, when available, component versions, describe the web technology discovered on a given web host.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.

property categories

List of unique categories in the component record list.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

property has_more_records

Whether more records are available.

Return type


property hostnames

List of unique hostnames in the component record list.


Load all pages of results from the API.


Load the next page of results from the API.

Throws AnalyzerError when has_more_records is False.


Parse an API response.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


property totalrecords

Total number of available records as reported by the API.

property values

List of unique values (labels) in the component record list.

class passivetotal.analyzer.components.ComponentRecord(api_response, query=None)

Record of an observed web component.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property category

Category or type of the web component.

property duration

Length of time record was observed, in days.

Calculates the timedelta between firstseen and lastseen.

Return type


property firstseen

Date & time the record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_date

Date record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_raw

Raw firstseen value returned by the API.

property hostname

Hostname where the component was identified.

property label

Value of the web component; alias of ComponentRecord.value.

property lastseen

Date & time the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_date

Date the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_raw

Raw lastseen value returned by the API.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property query

API query value (hostname or IP address).


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Return type


property value

Value of the web component.

property version

Version of the web component, if available.

Cookies Record Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.cookies.CookieHistory(api_response=None, query=None)

Historical cookie data.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.

property domains

Set of unique cookie domains in the record list.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

property has_more_records

Whether more records are available.

Return type



Load all pages of results from the API.


Load the next page of results from the API.

Throws AnalyzerError when has_more_records is False.

property names

Set of unique cookie names in the record list.


Parse an API response.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


property totalrecords

Total number of available records as reported by the API.

class passivetotal.analyzer.cookies.CookieRecord(api_response, query)

Record of an observed cookie.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property domain

Cookie domain name.

property duration

Length of time record was observed, in days.

Calculates the timedelta between firstseen and lastseen.

Return type


property firstseen

Date & time the record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_date

Date record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_raw

Raw firstseen value returned by the API.

property hostname

Hostname where this cookie was observed.

property lastseen

Date & time the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_date

Date the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_raw

Raw lastseen value returned by the API.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property name

Cookie name; alias of CookieRecord.value.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Return type


property value

Cookie name.

Trackers Record Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.trackers.TrackerHistory(api_response=None, query=None)

Historical web component data.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.

property categories

List of unique categories (types) in the tracker record list.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

property has_more_records

Whether more records are available.

Return type


property hostnames

List of unique hostnames in the tracker record list.


Load all pages of results from the API.


Load the next page of results from the API.

Throws AnalyzerError when has_more_records is False.


Parse an API response.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


property totalrecords

Total number of available records as reported by the API.

property values

List of unique tracker values in the tracker record list.

class passivetotal.analyzer.trackers.TrackerRecord(api_response, query=None)

Record of an observed trackers.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property category

Category or type of web tracker; alias of TrackerRecord.trackertype.

property duration

Length of time record was observed, in days.

Calculates the timedelta between firstseen and lastseen.

Return type


property firstseen

Date & time the record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_date

Date record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_raw

Raw firstseen value returned by the API.

property hostname

Hostname the tracker was observed on.

property lastseen

Date & time the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_date

Date the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_raw

Raw lastseen value returned by the API.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Return type


property tracker

Tracker as a Tracker object to aid pivoting to other related IPs or hosts.

Return type


property trackertype

Type or category of web tracker.

property value

Value of the tracker.

class passivetotal.analyzer.trackers.TrackerSearchResults(query=None, tracker_type=None, search_type=None)

Search results from a tracker query.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.


Filter the list to exclude records where the registered domain of the parent or child is not in a list of hosts. Accepts either a list of strings or a list of analyzer.Hostname objects.

Will apply to parents if direction is parents (from hostpair_parents property) or to children if direction is children(from hostpair_children property).


hosts – List of hostnames to directly match against, as a comma-separated string or a list.


Filter the list to exclude records where the parent or child is contained in not in a list of hosts. Accepts either a list of strings or a list of analyzer.Hostname objects.

Will apply to parents if direction is parents (from hostpair_parents property) or to children if direction is children(from hostpair_children property).

Use exclude_domains_in() to match against only the registered domain.


hosts – List of hostnames to directly match against, as a comma-separated string or a list.


Filter the list to exclude records where the tld of the registered domain of the parent or child is not in a list of tlds. Accepts either a list of strings or a list of analyzer.Hostname objects.

Will apply to parents if direction is parents (from hostpair_parents property) or to children if direction is children(from hostpair_children property).


hosts – List of hostnames to directly match against, as a comma-separated string or a list.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

property has_more_records

Whether more records are available.

Return type



Load all pages of results from the API.


Load the next page of results from the API.

Throws AnalyzerError when has_more_records is False.


Implementations must accept an API response and populate themselves with a list of the correct record types.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property query

Query used to return this set of search results.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


property totalrecords

Total number of available records; may be greater than the number of results returned by the API.

class passivetotal.analyzer.trackers.TrackerSearchRecord(api_response, query=None, tracker_type=None, search_type=None)

Record representing a single search result in a tracker search.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property duration

Length of time record was observed, in days.

Calculates the timedelta between firstseen and lastseen.

Return type


property entity

Entity where a tracker was found - typically a hostname or an IP address.

Returns the actual value returned by the API in the ‘entity’ response field.

property firstseen

Date & time the record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_date

Date record was first seen.

Return type


property firstseen_raw

Raw firstseen value returned by the API.

property host

Host where a tracker was found.

Returns either an analyzer.Hostname or analyzer.IPAddress object depending on the type of search which produced this record.

property lastseen

Date & time the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_date

Date the record was most recently observed.

Return type


property lastseen_raw

Raw lastseen value returned by the API.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property query

Query that produced this search result.

property searchtype

Type of search (hostnames or IP addresses) that produced this search result.

This value defines the type of records returned - either hostnames or IPs.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Return type


property tracker

Tracker as a Tracker object to aid pivoting to other related IPs or hosts.

Return type


property trackertype

Type of tracker found on the entity (host) referenced in this search result.

class passivetotal.analyzer.trackers.Tracker(trackertype, value)

A web tracker with a type and value.

In addition to a simple type/value mapping, this class also provides ips and hostname properties to find other entities that have the same type/value tuple.

property observations_by_hostname

Hostnames of sites where this tracker was observed.

Return type


property observations_by_ip

IP addresses of hosts where this tracker was observed.

Return type


property trackertype

Type of tracker as defined by RiskIQ analysts.

property value

Tracker value as observed.

Whois Record Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.whois.WhoisRecords(api_response=None, query=None)

List of Whois records.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.

property domains

Return a set of unique domains in this record list.

property emails

Return a set of unique emails in this record list.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

property names

Return a set of unique names in this record list.

property orgs

Return a set of unique org names in this record list.


Parse an API response into a list of DomainWhois records.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


Articles Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.articles.ArticlesList(api_response=None, query=None)

List of threat intelligence articles.

Contains a list of passivetotal.analyzer.articles.Article objects.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)


Filtered article list that includes articles with an exact match to one or more tags.

Tests the match_tags method on each article.


tags – String with one or multiple comma-separated tags, or a list

Return type


filter_text(text, fields=['tags', 'title', 'summary'])

Filtered article list that contain the text in one or more fields.

Searches tags, title and summary by default - set fields param to a smaller list to narrow the search.

  • text – text to search for

  • fields – list of fields to search (optional)

Return type


static find(query)

Query the Articles API endpoint and find articles that match the search term.

Return type



Parse an API response.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


Malware Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.enrich.MalwareList(api_response=None, query=None)

List of malware hashes associated with a host or domain.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)


Parse an API response into a list of records.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


class passivetotal.analyzer.enrich.MalwareRecord(api_response, query=None)

Record of malware associated with a host.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property date_collected

Date the malware was collected, as a Python date object.

property hash

Hash of the malware sample.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property query

Query submitted to the API (typically the hostname or IP address).

property source

Source where the malware sample was obtained.

property source_url

URL to malware sample source.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Return type


Project Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.projects.ProjectList(api_response=None, query=None)

List of Projects with artifacts.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)

static find(name_or_guid, visibility=None, owner=None, creator=None, org=None)

Obtain a list of all projects that match a name or GUID and optionally other criteria.

Set owner=’me’ or creator=’me’ to use the API username.

  • name_or_guid – Project name or project guid

  • visibility – Project visiblity: public, private, or analyst (default), optional

  • owner – Project owner, optional

  • creator – Project creater, optional

  • org – Project owner, optional

Return type



Parse an API response.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


class passivetotal.analyzer.projects.Project(api_response, query=None)

Project record with collection of artifacts.

property artifacts

List of artifacts in this project.

Return type


property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property can_edit

Whether the project can be edited.

property collaborators

List of user IDs collaborating on this project.

property created

Date this project was created.

property creator

User ID of the project creator.

property description

Description of the project.

static find(name_or_guid, visibility='analyst', owner=None, creator=None, org=None)

Find one project that matches the other criteria.

Raises AnalyzerError if more than one project is found.

Set owner=’me’ or creator=’me’ to use the API username.

  • name_or_guid – Project name or project guid

  • visibility – Project visiblity: public, private, or analyst (default), optional

  • owner – Project owner, optional

  • creator – Project creater, optional

  • org – Project owner, optional

property guid

Alias for project_guid; project’s unique identifier.

Whether this is a featured project.

Project link.

Dictionary of various links to this project in the UI.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property name

Name of the project.

property organization

Organization this project is connected to.

property owner

Owner of the project.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property project_guid

Project unique identifier.

property subscribers

List of users who receive notifcations about artifacts in this project.

property tags

List of tags associated with this project.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Return type


property visibility

Visiblity of the project.

Artifact Lists

class passivetotal.analyzer.projects.ArtifactList(api_response=None, query=None)

List of artifact entries.

property all

All the records as a list.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return the recordlist as a list of dictionary objects.


Shortcut for filter_and.


Return only records that match all key/value arguments.

filter_dateseen_after(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the firstseen date property is after a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_before(date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is before a specified date.

The date should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’

filter_dateseen_between(start_date_string: str, end_date_string: str)

Filter only results where the lastseen date property is <= end_date_string and firstseen date property is on or after start_date_string.

Date strings should be parseable by datetime.fromisoformat i.e. ‘2021-01-01’


Return only records where a function returns true.


Return only records where a field contains one or more values.


filter_in(fieldname=[‘value1’,’value2’]) or filter_in(fieldname=’value1,value2)


Return only records that match any key/value arguments.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on the field returns true.


Return only records where a case-insensitive match on any item in a list of substrings returns true for a specific field.


filter_substring_in(fieldname=[‘substring’,’othersub’]) or filter_substring_in(fieldname=’substring,othersub’)


Parse an API response.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

sorted_by(field, reverse=False)

Return a sorted list.

  • field – name of the attribute to sort on

  • reverse – whether to sort in reverse order.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Implementations may add additional keywords to customize building the data structure.

Default implementation tries to iterate through self and calls to_dataframe on each record with the same parameters passed to this method. If that fails (usually because self isn’t iterable), it uses the as_dict param of self.

Return type


property totalrecords

Total number of artifacts.

class passivetotal.analyzer.projects.Artifact(api_response, query=None)

An artifact in a project.

property alerts

Alerts for this indicator, scoped by the date range set in analzyer.set_date_range(). For more arbitrary control, call passivetotal.analyzer.projects.Artifact.get_alerts() directly.

Return type


property alerts_available

Number of alerts available within the scope of the current date range set in analyzer.set_date_range().

Makes a single query to the API to retrieve one page of results and gets the totalrecords property from that (abbreviated) recordlist.

property artifact_guid

Unique ID of the artifact.

property as_df

Get this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Use to_dataframe() instead if you need to control how the dataframe is built.

Requires the pandas Python library. Throws AnalyzerError if it is missing. :rtype: pandas.DataFrame

property as_dict

Return a dictionary representation of the object.

property created

Date the artifact was created.

property creator

User ID that created the artifact.


Delete this artifact record.

Rtype bool

Whether the deletion was successful.


Deactivate monitoring on this artifact.

Rtype bool

Whether monitoring was deactivated successfully.


Activate monitoring on this artifact.

Rtype bool

Whether monitoring was activated successfully.

get_alerts(date_start, date_end, abbreviated=False)

Get alerts for this indicator.

Loads all pages of alerts by default. Calls with identical params are cached.

  • start_date – Only return alerts created on or after this date/time

  • end_date – Only return alerts created before this date/time

  • abbreviated – Whether to return only the first page with size=0

Return type


property guid

Unique ID of the artifact; alias of artifact_guid.

property hostname

Hostname object for this artifact, if artifact type is domain.

property ip

IPAddress object for this artifact, if artifact type is IP.

property is_monitorable

Whether the artifact can be monitored.

property is_monitored

Whether the artifact is actively being monitored.

Dictionary of various link types to get more details in the UI.


Whether attributes of this record match all the key/value arguments.


Whether attributes of this record match any of the key/value arguments.

property name

Name of the artifact (the actual ip, domain, hash, etc.)

property organization

Organization that owns the artifact record.

property owner

User or organization that owns the artifact record.

property pretty

Pretty printed version of this object’s dictionary representation.

property project_guid

Unique ID of the project that contains this artifact.

property query

Name of the artifact (alias for name property).

property tags_global

List of global tags for this artifact.

property tags_meta

Descriptive data about the tags on this artifact.

property tags_system

List of system tags for this artifact.

property tags_user

List of user-defined tags for this artifact.


Render this object as a Pandas DataFrame.

Return type


property type

Type of the artifact (IP, domain, hash, etc.)


Set a new list of tags on this artifact.

The new tag list will overwrite the existing tag list. :rtype bool: Whether tags were updated successfully.